Members with Birthdays on 08-12-2012
grghost (72), (71), docksidr (68), jfepper (67), Colnagowarrior (65), hpkv60 (63), jtr1988 (62), bramos812 (61), sviti789 (61), Kenneth Thompson (60), Johnnydoc (60), billyo (58), Willy McCoy (56), Buzz G (56), Gábor Kapócs (54), Pete C (54), Gbl58 (54), speakhappiness (54), John Leslie (53), kmcoco (52), basscatjoe (51), jarcuri12 (51), amanina1 (49), DebP (49), foolsewing (48), Res (48), Thorjürgen (47), Hesh66 (47), Lissa M. Cowan (46), cherokee (46), Dman68 (46), DanV50 (46), Rachel Blanquita (45), burroughmm (45), David Smith 1967 (45), luziac-740 (45), mmcneice (45), RonATL (44), SlowLearner (43), Rbrweb (43), hchen25 (43), Roma Saliba Gelacio (42), Michele Bowen Olson (42), anyissue (42), alanhamilton (42), Mark Clayton (41), Busted_V70 (41), xjpro (41), jmecobb (41), Ragnar Ragnarok (40), P Dawg, Jerome73 (39), resomil (38), Loopy Lou Gould (38), Normski (38), Jaxxee (36), Boris Badenov (36), ahiebsch (36), Kingpin (35), jongb (35), massina68 (32), Ivan Zadunaiskii (32), dropkic1 (32), dalozaga (32), ccf90 (32), Jared A Brandt (31), Cvmmeeks (31), Bvogt (31), Volvo9199 (30), davew1982 (30), BeaverDAMage (29), Adamvolvs60 (29), Anthony Goucher (29), Xc90 rubbish (29), nutmeg09 (28), AhmedAmer, Geo Olteanu (27), Amk201 (27), Brandonmoragns60 (27), buugiewuugie (27), stace (26), Theriso Kgosidialwa (25), Nmichelef12 (25), krivman65 (24), tweddle66 (24), grimgato (24), articlew (23), OregonV50 (23), phonsi8 (23), ToddV70 (23), Lemite89 (23), Cory Renard (23), Malik Moukam (22), Lumberyard (20), kaitlyne86 (20), Suiew1941 (20), CONSTANTINOS KOUROUFEXIS (20), _Kodiak_ (19), Volvorocks777 (19), Beembeem12 (18), xXNightRiderXx (17), Azzumke (17), Killian Kane (15), AtnyShack117 (9)
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