Rear Window Dimensions
What kind of sticker?
Hello, Given that every window is contoured I doubt it is even possible to provide dimentions to a single piece of goods without including darts and many radii. That leads me to conclude that you'd be better off making a template out of pieces of stiff paper. Overlap the pieces such that you get the entire thing covered. Don't fret how many layers or how raggedy it may look. When you're done it's the outline which matters. Trace it on a single piece of paper. Quicker than you think. What kind of material are you going to use? Go for acrylic based glue. That's the kind found on the back of foil stickers-like the AAA oval. It takes heat better. Do keep in mind that the defroster elements will be a bubble source. Good luck, Kira
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850, advertising, back, dimensions, diminsions, interior, measurements, rear, size, stickers, v70, volvo, window, windshield, windw